On 16th of September the players enjoyed the second day off. The organizers of the Grand Prix arranged a special program for the participants – 12 players were separated into 3 groups and attended three different places, including schools, community and communicated with students and residents in terms of chess. At 9-30 a.m. all players (including sleepy European participants) gathered in the lobby and were divided into three different groups.
One of the groups, including Ekaterina Kovalevskaya, Ju Wenjun, Tan Zhongyi, attended Fuxin Primary School. In the beginning of Grand Prix FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov visited that school and was really impressed by the general level of the school and warm attitude to chess.
Pioneers meet chess players with flowers.
All officials, players and pupils gathered on the stadium.

Every day in that school starts with a dancing of valse.
Ekaterina Kovalevskaya, Ju Wenjun as well as other players and officials successfully try their dancing skills.
During the official meeting the agreement of friendship and cooperation between Fuxin Primary School and 6th Secondary School of Samara was signed by the directors of both schools.
The director of Fuxin School presented Chinese silk scarves to chess players.
Ekaterina Kovalevskaya decides to try her new scarf.
During the little excursion players and officials visit the chess lesson and learn how to play Sicilian Defence together with little pupils.
Music lesson in the school. All pupils have their own pianos and after finishing the school they can freely play music.
Young chess players, speaking good English, invite Ekaterina Kovalevskaya to play the game with them.
It was impossible to see what was going on in that game because I was invited to defend my chess title in the game against young pioneers as well.

Chinese players Ju Wenjun and Tan Zhongyi answer the questions of pupils.
The visit to the primary school was really impressive.
Report and pictures were prepared by Anastasiya Karlovich